08 December 2018

Aquadines Bureau Limited

Business Name: Aquadines Bureau Ltd.
Location: Ham Tower, 3rd Floor, Makerere Hill Road (via NUSU Business Center), Kampala.
Telephone: +256 752 700 212
Email Address: aquadines.uganda@africamail.com

Contact Person: Stephen Kaganda, Director, Engineering and Business
Mobile Phone: +256 752 700 212

Contact Person: Grace/Faith, Agricultural Managers
Mobile Phone: +256 705 700 222

Description: Aquadines deals in irrigation systems; greenhouse installation and construction; biogas installation; supplies agricultural chemicals (selective rice herbicides, fungicides and  glyphosate 2,4D Amines) and agricultural sprayers.

As reported by: Stephen Kaganda (online-filled Google form)

Compared to 2015 Directory: additonal contact person and new products registered (agrochemicals for crop protection)

Last updated: 26th November 2018

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