08 December 2018

Tropical Belt Uganda Limited

Business Name: Tropical Belt Uganda Ltd.
Location: Bulaga village (9 miles on Mityana Road), Kasasa, Wakiso.
Telephone: +256 772 633 023, +256 758 665 451
Email Address: greenbeltu@yahoo.com

Contact Person: Michael Ssango, Director
Mobile Phone: +256 772 633 023, +256 758 665 451

Description: deals in planting, processing and marketing herbal products under the trade mark name of FITFORLIFE and SANGOMA. Some of the products include: hibiscus, neem, lemon grass, moringa, stevia, wild dates (empirivuma) and pure mujaja tea. Products can be found in pharmacies and supermarkets (Capital Shoppers super market, Mega Standard super market, Standard super market in oldpark and T&T supermarket in Makidye).

As reported by: Michael Ssango (online via Google forms)

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/TBULK/

Compared to 2015 Directory: changed the location from Namirembe road in Kampala to Kasasa in Wakiso

Last updated: 5th December 2018.

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