08 December 2018

Danish Agro Connect Uganda Limited

Business Name: Danish Agro Connect Uganda Ltd.
Location: Plot 146, Ntinda-Kigoowa Road, Nakawa Division, Kampala
Telephone: +256 414 5990495
Email Address: info@danishagroconnect.com
Website: www.danishagroconnect.com

Contact Person: Titus Kasujja, C.E.O.
Mobile Phone: +256 772 521 256 (Uganda), +45 28 409 921 (Denmark)
Email Address: titus@danishagroconnect.com

Contact Person: Lydia Kasujja, International Coordinator
Mobile Phone: +256 774 563 484
Email Address: lk@danishagroconnect.com

Description: Danish Agro Connect is an agribusiness company that provides services and products in the agricultural sector ranging from vegetable seeds; seedlings; pastures; machinery; breeding; farm inputs; feed additives for poultry, piggery and dairy cattle; as well as different farm managerial customer-tailored programs and consultative services. The trainings are offered both in Uganda and Denmark. The agency also does proposal writing, agricultural tourism and searches market possibilities in the European market among other services.

As reported by: Lydia Kasujja (online via Google forms)

Website search:
Facebook Page: Danish Agro connect

Compared to 2015 Directory: registered a new contact person (Lydia Kasujja)

Last updated: 26th November 2018

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