08 December 2018

Bora Agro-Technologies Ltd.

Business Name: Bora Agro-Technologies Limited
Location: Bweyogerere (after the flyer over), Kampala-Jinja highway, Wakiso
District: Wakiso
Country: Uganda
Telephone: +256 775 608 755

Contact Person: Jonathan Bukenya, Managing Director
Mobile Phone: +256 775 608 755
Email Address: johnbukenya@gmail.com

Contact Person: Emmanuel Otecem, Commercial Director
Mobile Phone: +256 759 272 512
Email Address: eocecem208@gmail.com

Description: designs and manufactures food processing, post-harvest handling and agricultural equipment. They also deal in irrigation system installation, farm machinery, consultancy and training services.

As reported by: Jonathan Bukenya (+256 775 608 755)

Last updated: 7th December 2018

Official use
Category: Agro-input dealers > Post harvesting machines > Irrigation
Compared to 2015 Directory: added Jonathan for contact person and irrigation under products

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