08 December 2018

Total Uganda Limited

Business Name: Total Uganda Ltd.
Location: Plot 4, Eighth Street, Industrial Area, Kampala.
Telephone: +256 752 793 000, +256 204 916 000
Email Address: totaluganda@total.ug
Website: www.total.ug

Contact Person: Wesley Paaka, Lube Sales Engineer
Mobile Phone: +256 752 793 084
Email Address: wesley.paaka@total.ug

Contact Person: Aron Bukenya, Lube Sales Engineer
Mobile Phone: +256 752 793 045
Email Address: aron.bukenya@total.ug

Description: Total Uganda distributes and sells Total fuel and Total Lubricants (Total Quartz and Rubia Engine Oils) for agricultural tractors, implements, heavy duty machines and other machinery

As reported by: Wesley Paaka (+256 752 793 084)

Website search:
Facebook Page: @TotalUganda
Twitter Handle: @TotalUgandaInfo 

Compared to 2015 directory: New Business Listing for Lubricants

Last updated: 5th December 2018

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