08 December 2018

BrazAfric Enterprises Ltd

Business Name: BrazAfric Enterprises Limited
Location: Plot 27, Luthuli Avenue, Bugolobi (opposite Uganda Batteries Ltd), Nakawa Division, Kampala
District: Kampala
Country: Uganda
Telephone: +256 414 221 363
Email Address: brazafric-ug@brazafric.com
Website: www.brazafric.com

Contact Person: Robert Ayume, Head Machinery Sales
Mobile Phone: +256 772 602 273
Email Address: rbtayume@gmail.com

Contact Person: Martha Namubiru, Sales Executive
Mobile Phone: +256 783 565 681

Description: pre and post harvesting processing equipment for coffee and grain

As reported by: as per 2015 edition

Last updated: 2015

Official use
Category: Agro-input dealers > Agro-processing equipment
Compared to 2015 Directory: no major changes

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