16 May 2015

Agribusiness Directory East Africa

The first edition of AgaSha Agribusiness Directory East Africa 2015 is now out. It consists of the five East African Community member state countries (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi) in addition to Ethiopia. Get details on this website: www.agasha.com

In this edition, AgaSha group team collected, verified and validated contact information for different key agribusinesses in the region. They were categorized by:
1) Agro-input dealers such as seed suppliers, tractor dealers, greenhouse and irrigation companies;

2) Crop Producers, Processors & Exporters for different crops like Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Cashewnuts, Maize, beans, fruits, vegetables, flowers, tree farming e.t.c;

3) Livestock Producers & Processors especially dairy farming, poultry, piggery, honey & beekeeping;

4) Supporting Businesses in Agriculture like Finance service providers, insurance companies in agribusiness, agribusiness consultants, business service providers, market information providers, packaging companies, biogas dealers, renewable energy dealers e.t.c;

5) Organizations and Government Agencies like NGOs in Agriculture & CBOs, youth organizations, organizations in environment and conservations, government ministries and programmes in agriculture e.t.c.

The business listings consist of the business/organization name, contact person, location, phone & email contact, website and brief description about their products and services. This information can facilitate you to get connected to reliable networks in the sector, save time of searching contacts using different sources and thus reducing on costs of running a business.

View the directory @ www.issuu.com/agribusiness or download pdf version via Scribd Agribusiness
A searchable pdf version is available, email directoryagribusiness@gmail.com for details. 

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