01 November 2018

Alfasan Uganda, new building in Namanve

Alfasan Uganda Limited
Today, I was travelling from Kampala to Mukono. My last time to use this route was in 2016. I was impressed by the new development of Namanve Industrial and Business Park. Even though, I was using public means ("Taxi"/"Matatu"), I managed to spot out some agribusiness companies but I was more attracted by one of the roofing labelled "Alfasan Uganda, Veterinary Medicines".
Side photo of the building. Source: alfasan uganda website

Alfasan Uganda is managed by one of the prominent agripreneur, Dr. Stephen Birungi. I got to know him through Africa Agribusiness Academy's events. He once tipped me 10US dollar for the good work I do in agribusiness sector! Something I found surprising because "Tipping" is not a common culture in Uganda, and doing it in US dollar currency and not Ugandan Shillings made it more interesting.

Based on Dr. Stephen's business history, I can now agree to Alfasan's vision statement of being the leading manufacturer and distributor for veterinary pharmaceutical and other animal health products within Uganda and in Africa at large. Alfasan Uganda is legally registered in Uganda as a privately owned company limited by shares which was established through a joint venture between Farm Support Ltd based in Uganda and Alfasan International BV from The Netherlands.

Alfasan Uganda has veterinary drugs suitable for cows, calves, goats, rabbits, chicks, poultry, horses pigs, goats, pigs, piglets and sheep. Some of these animal drugs include:
  1. Injectables (multivitamins and Diminasan 2.36g)
  2. Oral Liquids ( Alfacycline 20, Albendazole 10% Drench and Alfaceryl)
  3. Acaricides (Amitix and Alfapor)
  4. Vaccines
  5. Hydrosoluble powders ( Alfavit forte, Chick plus, Diminasan 2.36g, Finiworm, Alfacycline 20, Dicox Forte, Alfatrim and Coccontrol 20%)
To learn more about Alfasan Uganda Ltd, contact:
Dr. Stephen Birungi, Managing Director.
Mobile/Cell: +256772 417 633
Email: skmbirungi@yahoo.com
Plot 429, off lin 5 Road, Namanve Industrial and Business Park, Kampala, Uganda
Telephone: +256 414 230 377 / +256 414 699 216.
Email: farms@africaonline.co.ug , info@alfasanuganda.com
Website: www.alfasanuganda.com
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/alfasanuganda
Member of: Africa Agribusiness Academy (AAA) ; Uganda Veterinary Association

You can also read more about Alfasan Uganda:
You can also view the video of Alfasan Uganda on NTV Uganda:

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