27 November 2018

Agriserv Ltd

Business Name: Agriserv Ltd
Location: Lolim Village (near Pakwatch Bridge), Nwoya District, Northern Uganda.
Contact Person: Jim Middleton, Managing Director.
Jim's LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jim-middleton-8b7a2b28
Phone Number: +256 755 701 239 (whatsapp#)
Email Address: agriserv.uganda@gmail.com
Facebook page: https://facebook.com/agriserv.lolim/
Description: deals in tractor hiring and farm management services for arable crops.

Major changes since 2015 edition: moved offices from Bugolobi in Kampala to Lolim in Nwoya.

Information confirmed on phone by: Jim Middleton

More information about Agriserv  Ltd:
- Agriserv is a member of Eastern African Grain Council (EAGC).
-Contract farming goes to the north. New Vision. Published on 3rd February 2010.
-Other agribusiness ventures associated with Agriserv: Engineering Solutions Ltd (EngSol) and Oola Lolim Ltd.

Last updated: 27th November 2019.


Comments, questions or inquiries are highly welcome